Monday, September 24, 2018

Name Animations

More Name Animations are on the way.  Students were asked to write their name in a font that expressed something about the word it was spelling.  (for example:  the word fancy would be written in cursive).  Upon completing this assignment, their names were paired with self portraits.  

These were photographed and animated in Adobe Photoshop's Timeline function.  Students will be learning how to animate on computers using as well as with photo editing software.  

This is a small sample which will grow as animations are finished.  

Monday, September 17, 2018

Name Animation


1.  Make a 5 x 6.5 inch rectangle with a ruler.
2.  Make as many squares as letters in your name +1.  For example:  Jack would be 5 because there are 4 letters in JACK (J-A-C-K) + 1.
3.  Draw 1 letter per square of your name that is roughly the same size and in the same place.
4.  In the last square, try drawing a self portrait.  Start with pencil and big eraser so you can erase. 
5.  Bring all your drawings to the back table to be photographed.